


  • A walk along the Corso Andrea Palladio
    Most of the monuments and buildings that show the great beauty of Vicenza are concentrated here; here you can breathe the climate and the charm of the city
  • Palazzo Chiericati
    It is a palace of noble origin, located in Piazza Matteotti, son of the genius of Palladio and UNESCO World Heritage Site, now home to the city’s art gallery.
  • Olympic Theatre
    Also in Piazza Matteotti there is another incredible point of interest: the Olympic Theatre built in 1585 by Andrea Palladio, miraculously spared from the heavy bombings of the Second World War.
  • Palazzo Porto
    It is located in Piazza Castello and is also known as Palazzo Breganze, one of the many noble palaces (in this case left unfinished), whose construction was requested from Palladio himself
  • The Palladian palaces of Contrà Porti
    First of all Palazzo Barbaran da Porto, home of the Palladium Museum.
  • The real center of Vicenza: Piazza dei Signori
    The main square of Vicenza is undoubtedly that of the Lords: enclosed between the Palladian Basilica, the Bissara Tower, the Loggia del Capitanio and the Monte di Pietà, this suggestive rectangular square is built where , in Roman times, the forum was located.
  • Basilica Palladiana
    It is located in Piazza dei Signoriand is one of the main symbols of Vicenza. Due to its importance it is classified as a national monument and now also home to prestigious painting exhibitions.
  • Palladio’s Tomb
    You cannot leave the city without having greeted its artistic father: in the Church of Santa Corona findthe Tomb of Andrea Palladio! We remember that Palladio contributed undisputedly to making the sixteenth century a golden century for the city. Having arrived in Vicenza as a young man from his native Padua,
    taken to heart by the Vicenza patron Gian Giorgio Trissino, Palladio revealed himself as one of the most influential personalities in the history of Western architecture (so much so that there is talk of Palladianism even in England and the United States).
  • Vicenza Cathedral
    In Piazza Duomo you can see the Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunciata, which due to its size and its dome stands out in the view of Vicenza from above, as seen for example from the Sanctuary of Monte Berico
  • Diocesan Museum
    Two thousand years of sacred art from Vicenza contained in a single museum: just reach Piazza Duomo to visit it and to access the Roman Cryptoporticus– the underground portico that shows tourists the Hidden Vicenza.
  • Sanctuary of the Madonna of Monte Berico
    Completed in the early eighteenth century, it is located on the hill overlooking the city and is accessed via a special portico. As well as having a very important spiritual value for the area, it constitutes a spectacular point of view from which to admire the many beauties contained in Vicenza.
    Near the Sanctuary it is possible to visit the Museum of the Risorgimento and the Resistance and the two Palladian villas in the city: Villa Valmarana “Ai Nani” Villa Capra “La Rotonda”.